About Our Classes
All evaluations and services are provided at no cost to families and are based on the individual needs of the preschool child found to have a disability as determined by the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) of the local school district. The parents will work with the CPSE to determine the location where recommended special education services will be provided.
The classes we will be offering for September are as follows:
-Self -Contained Full day 8:1:2
-Self-Contained half day 8:1:2
AM- 9:25-11:55 PM 12:55-3:25
-Integrated full day class 18:2:1 9:25-3:25 serving
9 typical and 9 special needs students
-Integrated half day class 12:1:1
with 6 typical and 6 special needs students
PM 12:55-3:25
Our special education teachers promote a child's areas of strength and develops areas of weakness. Areas of focus may include attention, social skills, cognition, fine and gross motor skills, language and communication.
Leeway School has an open door policy. We communicate with parents through an app called "Brightwheel," a secured sight where you can safely communicate between home and school using your smartphone. Parents are welcome at all times to view their child's class with a one way mirror.
8:1:1 Self Contained Full Day:
This class provides an opportunity for children with developmental
delays to learn in a small structured environment in a full day (6 hour)
program. The curriculum is thematic and the goals and objectives
of each child's IEP are addressed.
8:1:1 Self Contained Half Day:
This class provides an opportunity for children with developmental delays to learn in a small structured environment in our 2 ½ hour program. We offer an AM and PM session. Activities are planned according to the goals and objectives of the children’s IEPs.
12:1:1 Integrated Half Day:
This class provides an opportunity for both children receiving service and typically developing children to learn from each other in our 2 ½ hour program. We offer a AM and PM sessions. The students who are identified will be working on their IEP goals with the teacher throughout the school year through various activities that are planned by our special education teacher.
Typically developing youngsters may attend two, three or five days a week.
- 18:2:1 Integrated full day class (For Tuition AND Identified students)
New to Leeway, this classroom is comprised of 9 special needs students, 9 typical students, 1 special education teacher, 1 general education teacher, and one teacher assistant. It gives students an opportunity to to learn from each other.