Music Therapy
Simply put, music therapy is reaching and teaching through music. It is the purposeful, scientific application of specific musical activities and experiences with the objective of accomplishing that which is….“non-musical.”
These non-musical objectives can include the furthering
of expressive and receptive language development, improvement of physical (large and small muscular) coordination, self-help skills and daily living activities, emotional healing and trauma reduction, concept development and pain management. Of course the list
can go on and on as music therapists work with people
of all ages and all of the conditions life can bring.
When it is determined that a child’s educational goals are unable to be met during music classroom (group), then the classroom team will convene to discuss the possibility of individual music therapy sessions. During individual music therapy sessions, music activities are structured to aid in promoting the facilitation of goals mentioned on the child’s IEP.
Vocal songs are used to foster vocal play and expressive (spoken) language skills. Movement activities are used to elicit auditory attention to sound and understanding of the meaning of words and concepts. Instrument playing is used to heighten attention to and discrimination of sounds and sound qualities such as stop/go, loud/soft, patterning, fast/slow and others. These very same qualities are each used in effective communication and speech.
Useful Links:
Leeway Preschool123 Youtube Channel
American Music Therapy Association